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Philippine Geographical Journal vol 54


Various Authors

This issue of the Philippine Geographical Journal (PGJ) includes the third and last batch of articles and/or papers read during the Southeast Asean Geography Association (SEAGA) International Conference held in Quezon City, Philippines from June 3 to 6, 2008. The earlier two batches of articles were published in the 2007 and 2008 issues of the PCJ. Co-sponsored by the Philippine Geographical Society and the Department of Geography, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines Diliman, the conference was held with the aim of promoting the SEAGA’s vision of establishing and strengthening the links among scholars, academicians, educators, practitioners and professionals interested in Southeast Asian geographies. With more than 100 local and international participants in attendance, the conference adopted the theme of “Transformation and Embodiment in Southeast Asian (and other) Geographies: Changing Environments, People and Cultural Groups, Institutions and Landscapes.” The conference co-organizing teams and institutions were jointly headed by Prof. Ooi Giok Ling of the National Institute of Education of Singapore, then President of SEAGA, and Dr. Doracie Zoleta-Nantes of the Department of Geography of the University of the Philippines Diliman, then the President of the Philippine Geographical Society




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